We are Real Estate Revolutionaries

Transforming the way you INVEST and ENJOY

We Are Diamond Dynamos

Mastering the Expertise in Diamond Investment Choices

We Are Fine Arts Aficionados

Handpicking top-performing Masterworks for our discerning investors

We Are Car Connoisseurs

Fueling your Financial Growth with a collection of Rare Cars

We Are Timepiece Treasurers

Selecting only the most extraordinary watches with High-Return potential.

We Are Blockchain Beacons

Making secure and seamless co-ownership a reality

We Are AI Architects

Leveraging Machine Learning for optimal investment strategies

Now You
Can Have It All

We unlock a world of luxury asset co-ownership on the blockchain with our cutting-edge AI. Invest in exclusive properties, diamonds, rare cars, and much more.

Unlocking the world’s Most exclusive, Highest-profit Investments

Access the Inaccessible

Watch your wealth grow exponentially by investing in Top-Performing Assets








Sign-Up to receive updates on the newest additions to our exceptional collection of rare assets.

Build Your Diversified, High-Yielding Portfolio

Imagine owning

For a FRACTION of the Cost & NO HASSLE!
A plethora of ADDED BENEFITS such as an exceptional lifestyle, a Dubai Gold Visa
and much more.

Curated, ULtra-luxury assetsOutperformTraditional Markets

Highest historical Appreciation

against conventional investments over the last decade

Outperforming stocks by over 150% on average

In fact the best selected products have seen increases of 400% and more.

A Perfect Hedge against Economic Uncertainties



Low volatility

No wonder that for the wealthiest, these assets make up 51% of their portfolio, compared to only 5% for the average investor.

Only The Fortunate Few have had access to these

High-Ticket Investments

Until Slicit!

Find out how much wealth you can generate with our Wealth Calculator

Wealth Generation Calculator

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We remove all barriers to investment


You only pay a fraction



We find the best investments on your behalf



You can invest in any currency or crypto from Anywhere in the world



We take care of all ownership and management Headaches


Additional differentiators


Assets Classes

More to come in 2024!


Investment Strategies





Slicit’sUniqueValue Proposition

Our one-of-a-kind differentiation factors

Highest-return investment:
  • Strong capital growth
  • Continuous and significant rental returns
Elimination of Investment Barriers:
  • Affordability: low-investment and low-fee
  • Accessibility: best-curated assets sourced for you
  • Easy to purchase: digital, transparent and seamless platform on the blockchain
  • Hassle-free: no ownership and management headaches
Protection against inflation and recession
Diversification across multiple investments 
AI-powered platform for a tech-rich and educated decision 
Ultra-luxurious lifestyle packages available (1)
(1) Depending on asset classes and geographies

As an advisor to Family Offices in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, specializing in philanthropy and art collecting, and with a deep commitment to museums, foundations, and cultural institutions worldwide such as The Metropolitan Museum of Art NewYork, I believe that Slicit’s fresh perspective not only reinvigorates the art market but also presents a pathway to safeguarding priceless fine art masterpieces from falling into the hands of foreign investors, enabling them to remain within their country of origin.

Abshishek B.
President Basu Foundation for the Arts

As the CEO of the largest retailer in the Indian Ocean region and with decades of experience in corporate real estate, I take great pride in endorsing a brand that seamlessly blends financial expertise with innovation, democratizing investments in areas such as art, real estate, and beyond. Slicit is an empowering force, granting investors, including myself, unprecedented access to assets through the concept of fractional ownership. It truly represents a revolutionary shift in the investment landscape.

Andrew C.

Art investments have often been exclusive and risky, like playing Russian roulette. The industry, plagued by some shady dealers and unethical tactics, cries for change.
SLICIT, with its focus on honesty, trust, and innovation, disrupts the status quo.
As an Art appraiser, their push for transparency and fractional ownership excites me.
SLICIT makes the elite accessible, transforming how we invest in luxury. I'm proud to back a platform revolutionising our access to premium assets.

Lucy C.
Art Expert, Head of Fine Arts Investment

Our mission is to build & grow startups that are aligned with UAE's innovation strategy.
We see SLICIT not just as the pinnacle of technology, but also as the poster child of creativity, distinguished by its unique vision and business model.
Through our partnership, we are further positioning the UAE as a global leader in technology and entrepreneurial excellence.

Jazeer J.
Founder & CEO of GrowValley


Investment as easy as 1,2,3...


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Select & Invest

Select and smoothly buy the exact fraction of your ideal assets


Own & Enjoy

Earn capital growth + Massive income whilst enjoying a luxury life style

Downloadthe SLICITApp

The SLICIT app has all you need to:

  • Understand co-ownership
  • Explore SLICIT’s lifestyle management features
  • Browse our amazing listings
  • Review intricate property details
  • Schedule your stays from four days to four years in advance
  • Access the Fortune Hive, SLICIT’s exclusive members’ club

Property owners can also use the SLICIT app to track operating expenses, available nights’ stays, refer friends, or quickly contact their home’s local property manager. 

Please note: SLICIT’s real estate listings include current homes and properties under consideration for co-ownership awaiting approval. 

Welcome to our Blockchain and IPFS Explainer!

In this page, we provide you with a unique opportunity to explore the revolutionary world of blockchain and IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). Here, you can witness firsthand how our assets, title deeds, share purchase agreements, and other essential data are securely and transparently stored on the blockchain. For example (NFTs) of a residential property on polygon chain explorer and intro VIDEO on chain

Blockchain technology ensures that every piece of information related to our assets is immutably recorded in a decentralized ledger. This means that each transaction and event is cryptographically linked, making it tamper-proof and easily auditable. You’ll discover how our platform leverages the power of blockchain to establish trust, reduce fraud, and enhance the overall transparency of asset ownership.

Furthermore, through the integration of IPFS, we bring you an efficient way to store and retrieve large files, such as documents and media, in a decentralized manner. IPFS offers seamless and decentralized access to content, making data retrieval fast and reliable. LINK to T&C on IPFS. Terms and conditions stored on chain and also you can find LINK to Title Deed on IPFS stored safely, securely and in an immutable way on blockchain.

On this page, you can explore sample templates of our asset records, title deeds, share purchase agreements, and other critical data. Each entry you view will represent a real asset or agreement on our platform, and you can verify its authenticity and history directly on the blockchain.

With our Blockchain and IPFS Explainer, we aim to demystify the technology behind our platform and demonstrate how it ensures the integrity and security of your investments. Feel free to explore the templates and witness the cutting-edge innovations that are reshaping the future of asset management and ownership.

Come, embark on this enlightening journey into the realm of blockchain and IPFS, where transparency and security converge to redefine the way we handle and access vital information. Let us lead you into a new era of trust and efficiency in asset ownership!

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